Random Acts of Kindness

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When googling 'Why be kind' the following questions popped up in my search and to be perfectly honest, they were bloody good questions and after the year we've just had here in Australia (bushfires, global pandemic etc), that I felt it was a great reminder for us all.

When you look at the dictionary, kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Other words used to describe kindness are goodwill, warmth, tenderness, selflessness, and benevolence.

Why is it important to be kind?
Kindness improves our quality of life in the workplace as well as in the community. It brings people together. Doing good for others feels good. Showing kindness to others is just as rewarding as receiving it from someone else.

What it means to be kind
Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that are associated with kindness. While kindness has a connotation of meaning someone is naive or weak, that is not the case. Being kind often requires courage and strength.

Why does being kind matter?

Kindness also helps lower blood pressure, reduce pain, and improve overall heart health. According to the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, you don't even have to be the one doing or receiving an act of kindness to feel the positive effects.

What do we learn from kindness?
Even small acts of kindness create feelings of self-worth and belonging. Acts of kindness increase energy and give a wonderful feeling of optimism and children learn to appreciate what they have when helping those less fortunate.

NB: Above information courtesy of google search.

So now we have the housekeeping out of the way, let's explore ways you can actually display kindness...shall we?

Now acts of kindness don't have to cost you an arm and a leg...sometimes the most simplest of gestures are the most rewarding. For example;

  • Take some flowers from your garden to a nursing home... or maybe just go there with the intention of connecting and chatting with some of the residents

  • Plant a tree (kindness should also be shown to our Planet)

  • Pick up some rubbish around your beach, local park etc

  • Say please and thank you (manners literally cost nothing)

  • Hold a door open for someone

  • Bake a cake or some biscuits and take into the office for everyone to share

  • Carry someone’s groceries that may have struggling (an elderly person or a parent who is juggling her grocery bags and her children)

  • Donate your “read” books to the library

  • Hold a door open for someone

  • Buy a stranger lunch.

  • Put change in an expiring meter

  • Offer up your seat on public transport

  • Smile at people

  • Share your home grown vegetables with your neighbours, friends or co-workers

  • Let people through in traffic.

  • And in addition to the above point, if someone lets you in...give them a quick wave to say thank you

  • Give someone a compliment (and watch the smile spread on their face)

  • Leave your old magazines in waiting rooms

  • Volunteer your time – for example...at an animal shelter, hospital or nursing home

  • Buy someone going through a hard time some flowers to cheer them up

  • If you have a full shopping trolley and the person behind you only has a couple of items, let them go ahead at the checkout

  • Be patient with people...even if you want to yell at them

  • Listen to what people are saying to you...it's easy to let your mind drift off onto something else, but give someone the gift of your full attention

  • Be extra patient and understanding

It is important to remember this - every day people are dealing with highly stressful jobs, a toxic or abusive relationship, they are battling a terminal illness, facing uncertain times, or possibly struggling to survive. It is even more important to remember that in each moment of our lives, someone, somewhere, is in need of kindness.

Always choose kindness. Always