Phoenix Legends - Our newest program!

Coming in May 2024, our new program will be run by Melanie Kilo and Jade Fitzgerald. Jade and Mel first met at La Trobe University where they soon ended up running the Albury Wodonga Allies in Rural Health (AWAIRH) network group as co-presidents, and despite being very different people, their work has complemented each other beautifully.

When a client asked Mel if she knew of somewhere they could learn how to write their own comedy, an idea was born. Mel contacted Jade to discuss what this would look like, and it has now evolved into a program focused on supporting neurodivergent people to find new and creative ways of telling and owning their stories (and turn it into their legend!).


  • Increased confidence in communicating who you are

  • Learning new ways to express yourself and your thoughts, words, and actions

  • Further develop emotional regulation as part of the process

  • Learning how to be more comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

The program will run for 6 fortnights on a Saturday afternoon, starting 4th May, from 2pm-4pm. The program includes 4 sessions of funding and writing their story, a session for rehearsal, and the final session is a performance to family and friends.

Fees: TBC

Please fill out the form below to express your interest.

Mel Kilo