What is Hygge?

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Hygge (noun) according to the dictionary is a Danish and Norwegian word for a mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with feelings of wellness and contentment.

It has been described as, “enjoying the good things in life with good people '' and the interesting thing about this concept, is that there are actual health benefits linked to living a hygge based lifestyle. Let's explore these, shall we?

Hygge decor is intended to promote a sense of calm and peace in your living space, and because we create an environment through the use of our senses (sight, sound, touch, taste and smell etc) so by creating a 'safe haven' for ourselves can actually help us in feeling less anxious.

When we feel comfortable and emotionally safe, we are more likely to reach out to build and nurture connections with others. In a hygge-based lifestyle, the emphasis on connecting with family, friends and loved ones....it's about spending quality time with those who are most important to you and creating a sense of belonging. It's about building connections, opening up and allowing yourself to be vulnerable around people and who knows, you may even start to feel safe enough to take a few risks (you know, step outside your comfort zone).

Work is a place where we might find it difficult to take care of ourselves – try and find ways to create change in your space to help promote a sense of calm.....things like a small potted plant or pictures of your family, friends, children, pets etc.

So now that we've touched on some of the benefits, how exactly do we incorporate hygge into our lives? Very easily! By introducing some of the below elements into your home, you can start feeling a sense of peace, connection, and comfort in your everyday life. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm totally down for incorporating some hygge into my life right now...especially with everything that is currently going on and all the uncertainty - I can't think of a better reason to start creating a safe and nurturing space for myself.


The use of warm, soft white light creates an inviting and comfortable space compared to harsh, bright white bulbs or fluorescent lighting. Remember, the higher the watts on the bulb, the brighter the light. You may also want to consider dimmers, this way, you have options for lighting the space the way you want.

Hygge is all about things that feel soft - try to incorporate soft accessories, things like throws, pillows and even rugs. Soft textures are calming and allow us to feel 'soothed' when our anxieties and stress may be running high.....they also allow others to feel safe in the space as well and encourages you to open up.

A calming environment can be created with the use of accessories, consider using some timber elements and some indoor plants....it's all about having clean and simple decor. Try using pieces that have special meaning to you....things like photos of your family, friends or your travels. Hygge is about creating warmth and connection, so use decor to draw people in and create a conversation.

This doesn't refer to the temperature....it's about creating a feeling of emotional warmth. Anything that you can do to create that kind of inviting, warm space....things such as candles or even some fairy lights – use your imagination, but keep in mind our end goal is about creating an inviting and 'warm' space for yourself. Maybe even a bit of Barry White playing in the background....jokes!

So, they key take out for hygge.....is all about comfort, peace, and connection and with a few tweaks to your home and work space, you could start reaping the rewards in your emotional and social well-being. Sounds like a win/win situation to me...sign me up!!